*By adding this hot sauce to your cart you agree to give it to an arsehole, to share it with an arsehole, in any way you can you will ensure it is consumed by an arsehole. To the best of your knowledge and belief you confirm that the sauce will be tasted by an arsehole, and through hell or high water it will make its way into the stomach of an arsehole and out the other side.

Explosively hot lava in a bottle that will destroy all arseholes.
5oz Chili Hot Sauce By Stuart Semple
Get this for the arsehole in your life!
If there’s that certain someone who’s always been a pain in your butt, then give one back to them. With Anal Apocalypse you can send that pain back where it came from.
Warning - this chili hot sauce may start a war between you and the arsehole in your life. Do not trust anything they give you after they’ve had this sauce.
Best served with:
Toilet roll
Haemorrhoid cream
Pepto Bismol
A colonoscopy
Medics on standby
Note - this IS a consumable and not a paint. This is not a paint that looks like a chili hot sauce. It's an ACTUAL hot sauce.
This hot sauce may be consumed by Anish Kapoor.
Organic Cider Vinegar, Red Peppers, Carolina Reaper Chilli (19%), Chocolate Habanero Chilli (14%), Brown Sugar, White Sugar, Garlic, Smoked Paprika, Onion Powder, Liquid Smoke, Maize Starch, 6.4 Million Chilli Extract (1%).
Suitable for Vegans